4 Holistic Benefits Of Existing in Contentment

When was the last time that you allowed yourself to exist in a state of contentment? It might be easier for you to recall the last time that you allowed yourself to exist in a state of celebration, accomplishment, pride, or anticipation of the “next thing”. Most of us are all familiar with promoted and sensationalized western ideals like hustle culture, “The American Dream”, and the bootstrap mentality. In our society, contentment is a fleeting experience that must be earned through production and accomplishment. The Pinnacle of contentment is traditionally reached at retirement.

Don’t get me wrong, having goals and ambitions play a huge role in our survival and overall identity development but you are so much more outside of your career and life goals. Giving ourselves permission to radically accept our present reality and basking in moments of contentment results in multiple benefits that are not talked about enough. Why they are not talked about is a whole other soapbox that I can get on in another blog post :) There are so many but let’s get into four of them!

Four Holistic Benefits of Existing In Contentment

  1. Feeling more present and grounded in your daily life.

  2. Decreased stress levels thus a more regulated mind and body.

  3. Decrease in overall physical and emotional health issues/conditions.

  4. Ironically, you will likely feel more efficient and productive in personal, spiritual, and professional pursuits!

As a therapist I often hear clients say that sitting in contentment is uncomfortable for them and this discomfort has so many roots that are learned and programmed within us. Sitting in contentment is a mindfulness skill that must be practiced and it is inevitable that along the way you will have to challenge and unlearn some things like how you view and value yourself and the world around you. If you, the reader, take anything at all away from this blog post, I hope that you take away permission to delegate intentional time to show yourself unconditional compassion and love. Contrary to popular belief and teachings; embracing contentment does not mean you are lazy or unmotivated. I agree that embracing moments of contentment creates more sustainable health and wealth🖤

Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.
— Pearl S. Buck

DISCLAIMER: All views and information on this site/post are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated. The information on this site/post are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any mental illnesses. I, the author, do not in any way guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any message and will not be held responsible for the content of any message. Always consult your personal physician(s) for specific medical and/or mental health advice and/or treatment.


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